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Are you going for an interview? Find out how wearing the right clothes may help you gain a competitive edge.

Have a hole in your suit pants or suit jacket? Suit repair for ripped, torn, or snagged suit pants and suit jackets is called suit reweaving -- or invisible mending. A men's clothing expert shares 2 ways to avoid having to get your suit pants and jackets reweaved, and places to get suit reweaving done.

Wondering what to wear a pink tie with? A men's clothing expert shares what you can safely wear with a pink tie & which items of clothing you should avoid wearing.

Mens Spring Fashion: The hottest mens fashion trends of the season that you can wear from spring thru summer. Plus fun ways to work them into your wardrobe.

Suit jackets don't seem to fit right? Have a large gap between your chest and the lapels? Here's what you need to know about proper men's suit jacket sizing.

A pink dress shirt is as much a staple in a man's wardrobe as a white dress shirt is. The key is in selecting the correct tone. You want to select a blush or rose color shirt which complements the skin tone of most men, not a bright or bubblegum pink shirt.

It's not so great being tall when it comes to finding clothes you can wear... and look good in. You're either showing too much socks out the bottom of your pant legs, or you're forever tucking your shirt tails into your pants. Here's how to find clothes for tall men.

Seasons change. Summer is on its way out. And autumn is on its way in. If you're a trendy guy, then you know that it's time to prepare for the change of seasons. Here are some fall trends for men.

The navy solid suit is without question the most important suit you will ever own. Here's why. Plus, tips on how and when to wear the mens navy suit.