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I've got 10 stylish ideas that would make great gifts for men! I'll help you step outside your comfort zone to find something that fits the guy's personality and sense of style.

Wondering what to wear a pink tie with? A men's clothing expert shares what you can safely wear with a pink tie & which items of clothing you should avoid wearing.

Seasons change. Summer is on its way out. And autumn is on its way in. If you're a trendy guy, then you know that it's time to prepare for the change of seasons. Here are some fall trends for men.

The following examples illustrate some of the more trendy tie styles that help to define a man's character. Use this as a guide for choosing a tie that is best suited to the particular manner of man your father or husband is -- inside and out.

if you're on a budget, then you want to focus first on the bare necessities when you're putting together your business wardrobe. Here are the exact colors and quantities of suits, shirts, ties, and shoes that you need to have in your closet!