Most guys see socks as a generic fashion item. Is that you?
Perhaps you think they’re only there to stop your shoes from getting sweaty.
Maybe you throw a more-or-less matching pair on every day, and that’s that.
If you’re like most guys, you’ve probably got 20 pairs of plain black socks — all in various shades of grey.
Here’s today’s tip: choosing the right pair of socks can help you finish off your look, feel amazing without spending much money, and turn your drab outfit into a attention-getting one.
First Impressions
The clothes that you wear don’t exist in isolation. They’re a part of the overall impression you make when others see you and interact with you.
You’ve heard it before: you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. And yes, that means from head to toe — all the way down to your socks.
You want to look good as you walk around, when you sit down, and when you climb the stairs.
See where I’m going with this?
Your socks matter!
When others see that flash of color (or grey, black, or a simple contrast) at the bottom of your trouser leg, they’ll see a perfectly well-presented dude, instead of a guy wearing an outfit that goes on vacation at the bottom of his pants.
Choosing Mens Socks
The right socks will give you a lot of bang for the buck.
How, you ask?
Well… new suits are expensive. T-shirts and jeans are expensive. If you want to feel like a million bucks without spending a fortune on your fashion, socks are the cheapest way to wear something classy.
If I feel like my outfits are getting a little stale, I like to buy a nice pair of good quality wool socks from a department store.
If I feel like spicing up weekend jeans or a more casual outfit, then I buy a nice pair of patterned socks from a place like Urban Outfitters or a men’s fashion store.
If I’m feeling daring, then I throw on some patterned socks, roll the cuff of my jeans slightly, and finish it off with low-cut canvas sneakers or even a pair of brogues.
Companies like Obey, Stance, and Richer Poorer are making some amazing designs at the moment. It’s almost like wearing a work of art on your feet.
The Bottom Line…
If you want to have a professional, put-together look from head to toe, then proper socks are a must.
That doesn’t mean you need to go out and spend $50 on a pair of socks. (Yes, $50 socks do exist.)
It just means that you should pay attention to your feet in the same way that you pay attention to what’s on the rest of your body.
That space between your shoes and your pants does matter!
So don’t wear athletic socks with suit trousers — even if they’re not white grandpa socks. And when your socks get old and threadbare, either throw them out or leave them for your workouts.
C’mon, admit it. Isn’t it time that you start being a little more classy — and maybe a little more daring — with your socks?
Mens Socks: More Great Tips
As far as the material goes, I’ve found that polyester socks can contribute to foot odor — especially at the end of a long day.
You should wear socks that are 100% cotton (or at least very high in natural fiber). Everybody will thank you for it when you kick off your shoes at the end of the day.
My favorite tip of all time: match your socks with your pants, not your shoes.
Here are a few more tips from other men’s fashion experts: