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Lynnette Walczak

I've been in the business of helping men create and build their casual and professional wardrobes since 1991. My area of expertise is designing men's suits and properly fitting a man for a suit. In addition to that, I am often asked for honest advice regarding men's grooming and personal care products -- and I am always happy to help!

Think carefully about the ways that you choose to modify your look. The holes, piercings, and scars could stand between you and the job you ultimately want. If not now, then maybe later - because the holes and scars can last a lifetime.

Men's fashion and style tips change with the seasons. To look (and smell) your best throughout summer, follow these 5 do's and don'ts of mens summer fashion.

A vintage Rolex watch is a good investment. If you're thinking of buying a Rolex watch -- especially a vintage Rolex -- here's what you need to know.


My husband SWEARS by the front pocket wallet called the Money Clamp. It's similar to a traditional money clip, yet different. See why he likes it so much!

Here's a baseball cap that looks GREAT and keeps you cool when you're out in the hot sun!